Akrapovič's product line includes products regulated by national and international emission regulations. Akrapovič makes every effort to label regulated products and identify if they are for competition-use only or for general street/highway use in the regulated area. However, Akrapovič does not make any statement of compliance for products that do not have an explicit compliance label. Buyer is ultimately responsible for deciding if a part is legal for buyer's intended use.
Means that such product meets the EPA noise standard as set forth by the United States Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Chapter I, Part 205, Subpart E (80 dBA).
For motorcycle exhaust systems: Means that such product is compliant with the requirements of the United Nations Regulation ECE-R92 on Uniform provisions concerning the approval of non-original replacement exhaust silencing systems (RESS) for motorcycles, mopeds and three-wheeled vehicles.
For car exhaust systems: Means that such product is compliant with the requirements of the United Nations Regulation ECE-R59 on Uniform provisions concerning the approval of replacement silencing systems.
Means that such product is compliant with the applicable requirements of the European Union Directive EC 97/24 or the European Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 134/2014 supplementing Regulation No. 168/2013 (EU) of the European Parliament and of the Council as indicated in the attached EC type approval document in the package and available on the product website.
Means that such product is compliant with the requirements of the German Type Approval, paragraph 20 of the StVZO.
Means that such product meets the USAD Forest service Standard for spark arresters FS5100-1.